5 Made Talks Which Highlight the Importance of a S...

5 Made Talks Which Highlight the Importance of a S...

5 Made Talks Which Highlight the Importance of a S...

In total there are over 50 Made Talks by industry experts, which are there to share best practice, inspire and educate yourself and your staff. From "creative ways for manufacturers to go green" and "how to balance global presence with local identity", to "the basics of manufacturers protecting themselves with cybersecurity" and "how to build a successful company culture" - there are a wide variety of topics that you can find.

Here, we have compiled a list of 5 Made Talks which highlight the importance of cultivating a strong company culture...


How Tri-Tech built a successful company culture

Here Tri-Tech 3D Managing Director Adrian Painter speak to members of Made in Group at a Virtual Breakfast Morning which took place on 27th October 2021. Adrian discusses how people have made their business successful and how recruiting the right people is vital for success.


The journey of Central Scanning from the beginning

Central Scanning Director Nick here spoke about the journey of the company from the beginning, as well as how the company adapted during the pandemic, which ultimately highlighted the importance of a strong and resilient company culture.


Why great service depends on culture

This instalment of Made Talks sees Balmoral Tanks Managing Director Allan Joyce speak to members of Made in Group at a Virtual Breakfast Morning which took place on 28th July 2021. Allan discusses company culture at Balmoral, especially how poor leadership can destroy employee engagement.


How "bouncing back" is key to a thriving business empire

Here Jo Young, Managing Director at Additive-X speaks about how bouncing back is key to building a thriving business empire. This talk highlights that a firm' building a culture which values the ability for a firm to bounce back from adversity is ultimately vital for long-term success.


The importance of unity and good leadership

Neill Smith, Head of Manufacturing Support Services at the MTC, speaks about the importance of unity and good leadership. This talk is important for highlighting how a united company culture can be distilled from the leaders at the top.