‘Short Course’ Training: Value-for-Money Upskillin...

‘Short Course’ Training: Value-for-Money Upskillin...

‘Short Course’ Training: Value-for-Money Upskillin...

The ‘Short Course’ model has become the go-to skills acquisition mechanism both for individuals wishing to add new skills to their CVs, and for businesses looking to invest in cost-and-time-effective employee training.

According to recent research, 80% of manufacturers have identified workforce skills gaps in a variety of technologies, and most were already looking for ways to bolster their operations with vocational workforce training.

Similarly, many individuals who are currently out of work, wishing to improve their prospects in a current job, or keen on a looking for an entirely new position, can see that adding new skills to their CV could transform their prospects.

The skills shortage and the opportunities presented by delivery and acquisition of training is also recognised by government, whose Skills White Paper published in December 2022 declared:

“Technical workforce skills—practical or vocational skills that allow people to complete specific job-related tasks—are particularly important in the workplace because they help workers operate more efficiently and effectively.“

‘Short Course’ Training Provides An Answer

In response to the challenge, both government and industry have embraced a significant new development in the delivery of upskill training, with the emergence of the ‘Short Course’ phenomenon, sometimes referred to as ‘micro-credentials.’

Now hugely popular and sought-after, Short Courses are intensive short-term training courses that provide an unmissable time-and-cost-effective opportunity to gain valuable sector-specific skills.

Short Courses Are Cost-Effective

Short Courses are cost-effective because they are typically made available at price points well below those demanded by traditional long-term vocational training providers, and thereby well within the reach of aspirational individuals and businesses of all sizes.

Short Courses Are Time-Effective

Short Courses are time-effective because they give the learner an opportunity to acquire a single new skill within a highly-concentrated training period, typically no longer than 30 hours’ learning across a period of just 6 weeks or so. The courses are delivered at flexible times, frequently evenings and weekends, but also during the day. Some courses are available entirely online, so learners can work through the modules at their own speed and in their free time

Birmingham City University At The Forefront Of Short Course Provision

With their brand new, innovative approach to skills delivery and transfer, Short Courses are set to completely transform the training landscape in 2024.

Birmingham City University (BCU) has launched its own Short Course portfolio, an offering that provides training in a variety of single specialisms from across its faculties, from Python Programming to Immunisations & Vaccinations to Digital Marketing.

BCU Short Course attendees benefit from attending an institution already renowned as a leading training provider in the Midlands region, and attend Short Courses delivered by some of the foremost specialists in their respective disciplines. The training that learners receive delivers skills which are in high demand across a range of sectors, from industry through to healthcare. 

Upon successful completion of the Short Course, every learner will be awarded an official BCU Certificate of Achievement to recognise their accomplishment and with which to evidence their skills to current and future employers.

“Increasing Business Value through Short Courses”

One of the business specialists delivering a Short Course at Birmingham City University is Dr Ann Cameron, Lecturer at BCU’s College of Business, Digital Transformation and Entrepreneurship.

Ann delivers Value Propositions, a business-focussed Short Course, whose objective is to help SMEs and owner/operators uncover and deploy the distinct aspects of their business that distinguish it from competitors in its market.

She describes the feedback she typically receives from her learners.

 “The point that keeps coming up in our group conversations is that Value Propositions and short courses more generally, create an opportunity to step back and work on improvement outside the day-to-day running of the business.

This course enables an owner/manager to develop new ways of looking at what they do and how they do it, presenting opportunities to improve and therefore grow. Value Propositions is specifically helping the participants to better communicate the value they offer to their customers.”

Interested In Finding Out More?

Are you a business looking to offer cost-effective skills training for your employees or an individual wishing to add a value-for-money certification to your CV? Take a look at Birmingham City University Short Courses!

Complete this form to receive more details: Short courses - expression of interest | Birmingham City University (bcu.ac.uk)